Lambourne End field weekend 28-30 July 2023

By | 15 December 2023

The field weekend at Lambourne End at the end of July was the first of two planned over summer. Held at the Lambourne End Centre for Outdoor Learning and only a mile from our QTH at All Saints House, a large field providing camping facilities was once again made available for our exclusive use. Amenities included washing, shower and toilet facilities plus the use of a fire pit for the planned sausage and mash open-air meal.

This report consolidates the earlier postings, comments and feedback on the LEFARS Facebook page and add some extra photos.

Friday 28th July 2023
Setup started on Friday afternoon with John G0VEH and Richard G4DDP already at the store on my arrival at 15:10. Cars were laden with the (minimal) equipment to be taken and Brian M0OAB towed the Tawney Group caravan, leaving at 15:55. We arrived on site at 16.15. The Colman shelter was set up.

Also on site and arriving late afternoon were John G0VEH, David M0VID, Ron G6LTT and Karen. Ion M0JLI and Dave M0TAZ.  Kevin M7xxx and Selim M0XTA visited enroute to the club meeting later in the evening.  Overnight campers included Brian M6OAB and Boo M0OAB, Dave M0TAZ, David M0VID and Pam and Ion M0JLI.

Saturday 29th July 2023

I arrived at 09:10, Richard G4DDP already there and John G0VEH at 10:15am. The tent was set up, also the trailer mast with David M0VID’s 3-element 20m-10m beam on top, and operating from the Tawney Group caravan as M0THF. Further details follow from Richard G4DDP.

Kerry 2E0IJZ arrived midday and set up his tent. Richard G4DDP also stayed overnight. Visitors on Saturday included Selim M0XTA and two from the Silverthorn Club.

Several stations and callsigns were operating over the weekend.  George M1GEO set up his QO-100 satellite station and Dave M0TAZ operated from his car. Both were powered by their EV batteries.

The main event was the Sausage and Mash evening which was enjoyed by all.  Attendees (16) were : David M0VID (chief cook) & Pam, Richard G4DPP, John G0VEH, John G8DZH (co-peeler of spuds), John M0JGR, Fred G3SVK & Diane, Ion M0JLI (co-peeler of spuds), Dave M0TAZ, George M1GEO, Chris G8OCV, rn G6LTT & Karen, Derek M0XDC and Kerry 2E0IJZ

Sunday 30th July 2023

I arrived at 09:15, some 2m QSOs made including a report to GB2RS and chatting to local stations. The shelter was packed up at 10:45 as it was hardly used and rain forecast for the afternoon.  Visitors on Sunday included Selim M0XTA, Dave Holdbrook M6HKU, John M0JGR, Ellis 2E0WM and John G8NUP – who was doing some experiments with HF antennas.

The trailer mast was packet up at lunchtime prior to the rainy afternoon. George M1GEO kindly towed the trailer back to the store. David M0VID arrived at 14:35 and the Tawney Caravan left soon after. The end of a successful field weekend.

Lambourne End July 2023 – A report by Richard G4DDP

Over the last weekend of July myself and other members of the LEFARS portable group were at Lambourne End taking part in the club’s field weekend. We had our radio caravan setup with David Priest’s 3 element HF beam, A3S on the trailer mast. We also took the opportunity to run our IC7300 into an Ameritron HF amplifier mainly on 14MHz. As well as this I also tried out my ground mounted vertical for 10-20m plus 40 & 60m.

Contact map below.

Some photos (John G8DZH) -annotations to be added.



John G8DZH